The OEF platform allows university educators to self-assess their capacity and level of development in terms of Open Education and provides some guidelines to further adopt openness in all dimensions of their activities.

If you are a university educator, just fill a short questionnaire and you will see how you “position” with respect to different openness dimensions. You will also receive immediate feedback with some ideas, suggestions and inspirations that shall improve your work in terms of openness, effectiveness and impact.

If you are a university manager and you want to improve the openness capacity of your teaching staff, get in touch with us so that we can add your institution to the system; then educators from your university will fill the questionnaire and you will be able to see how they “position” with respect to different openness dimensions.

Your data will be used only for the present research. Upon request, data from this research will be shared openly in editable file formats, always preventing the identification of personal sources or persons. Your data can be removed at any time under your request to We appreciate your contribution to this research.

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